Yatharth Goswami


Hello, guys, I am Yatharth Goswami. If you have reached here, it’s probably because you already know me (and if not, the blog has achieved it’s purpose xP).

So, the thing is I don’t know how bad I write. And neither do I know how far I will be able to carry you along. I will still write not because I want you to read it but because I want to write it. (Oh Lord! I am so missing those emojis to express my sentiments at this point). I will not waste “precious” internet space in talking about what made Prof. X angry or why did I skip some discussion hour. I would rather get straight to the things that matter.

My first blog, and I am already loving it! Uhh..its going to be fun, reaching out to people and getting myself heard (I know that’s sort of an unrealistic target).

Okay, let me start with something that I was thinking about in recent days. I have always loved to ‘think’. No matter how deep a hole I might get myself into, a couple of hours of brainstorming and I am out of it. Great ability, atleast I believed it to be. But Nah! there came situations where it didn’t work. That’s where my friends are so important. They teach me how to enjoy the troubles, even if they can’t get me out of them. A small but deep observation that I have made in the very recent past is that there are some people who will never match your frequency of thinking (this is not about holding different opinions, it’s something deeper), while there are others whose brain are in perfect resonance with yours. So, we don’t actually choose friends, the choice becomes automatic.

OHHH!! And here we are again. Me going into deep philosophical notions without any reason. Often, I need to stop my brain from going into tangents to topics, so bear with me for that. I planned to keep this a short one, but here we are..lol. I would just like to end this blog with a beautiful mathy poem that I came across sometime back, which kind of expresses my thoughts.

Disclaimer : Taken from a post, but worth it. No IPRs attached.

i fear that i will always be
a lonely number like root 3
a 3 is all that’s good and right
why must my 3 keep out of sight
beneath a vicious square root sign
i wish instead i were a 9
for 9 could thwart this evil trick
with just some quick arithmetic
i know i’ll never see the sun
as 1.7321
such is my reality
a sad irrationality
when hark! what is this i see
another square root of a 3
has quietly come waltzing by
together now we multiply
to form a number we prefer
rejoicing as an integer
we break free from our mortal bonds
and with a wave of magic wands
our square root signs become unglued
and love for me has been renewed.