Yatharth Goswami

End of 2020

The perfect time to stop and think..today marks the end of a miserable year. I am not going to list what happened in the past 365 days, not because I don’t remember (yes, I have been a ‘memory’ person) but just because I don’t want to. But having said that, there has been a lot to learn, a lot to feel, a lot to reason out, and a lot to take forward. Though, the year has been a disaster in different possible ways, it had some silver linings to it as well, in terms of what it added to the wonderful creature called ‘me’. Ok! I know that was arrogant. You can remove the ‘wonderful’ word out of the previous sentence if you want to, mine is a completely democratic blog :P.

Hashh! good to know I got that part away. I have spent the last few days thinking about myself and how things happening this year had impacted my life (You can sense the things are going to get weird from here). Since we all were bound to stay home for duration of more than just an academic semester, the world (atleast for me) saw the rise of a new hero in the world of social interactions - “The social media”. This was good for me as it helped me to know more about people whom I would not have interacted with directly otherwise (Yeah, it’s a rare scenario for someone to come up to me and share something personal). Also, it helped me to come out of my comfort zone and do things I would have not done if the life would have continued in a regular manner. Building a blog and sharing this weird personal stuff is definitely a pinnacle, for that instance xD.

Hmm… so that’s like two issues done. Another point in the list is my recent interest in making Musical Covers. I had always loved to sing to my favourites but “sharing them”…uhh! that was wayyy too bold of an action for someone like me. But here we are. So, I learned that it’s good in ways, to be battling the odds, and springing up surprises for everyone around, not because everyone around matters (only some do), but doing it for oneself. Yeah, I know they were a little tricky, the last few lines…but I have just started to write, so bear with me (*Me Missing emojis intensifies*).

So, I am all set for a brand new beginning, a brand new semester. In fact, I am waiting (im)patiently for it to begin. It feels great, I don’t know why, but my gut feeling (if that’s a thing) says that 2021 is going to be a very special year indeed.

So, I sign off, wishing everyone a happy new year! Enjoy every second of what’s coming your way. Cheers!