Yatharth Goswami


This is going to be the first post of this year and since the new semester is right around the corner, nostalgia for the campus started to hit me again. So, I went back to something I wrote, when I was in campus. Yes, I used to write some blogs when I was in campus, but just kept them to myself. I can continue to curse myself for not putting them down in ink(or on server in this case..) but I will try to provide those sketches here, time and again. So, it went like this,

“During my one and a half semesters at IIT, I had never seen a more beautiful evening. It wasn’t that I was walking the path for the first time, nor did I have anything great to look forward to (except a stupid engineering drawing assignment). But somehow, it all added up beautifully. The wind blowing across my face, the goldenish-red sky (if you agree that’s a color), the aroma of coffee as I entered the (in)famous CCD in a cold winter evening..and yeah, I realised “this is IITK”.

I had warned myself before, “Don’t fall in love with people or places you cannot always keep with you”. And, I knew quite instantly what it meant. Now, I knew I was falling in love…falling in love with this place.

Coming back to my walk, every step was full of glee. Butterscotch walked past me, sniffing my pyjamas (yes, I am a pyjama guy), the construction happening nearby sounded no more like a noise, a couple walked out of the cafe (chatting in a lively manner), my phone rang (must be parents, they are always worried) sorry, I’ll call later as just couldn’t miss the moment. Then I entered into my world, I do this all the time…close my eyes and get besides me, the exact person I want to be with. Believe me, my imagination power is supreme xD.

Life was something different back then. The people I loved, I started to love them more..and the people I hated (super rare species) they seemed not so bad.

Damn! That assignment. Yes I know..gtg now. Bye!!”

Hope this would have brought some nostalgia to you guys as well.That’s all for this post. Cheers!!