Yatharth Goswami

Cool Stuff

A collection of some things I find cool. I will keep updating it as and when I find something “cool enough” to be put in here xD.


  • The Evolution of Trust - provides an amazing demonstration for how trust works, using concepts of game theory.

Nerdy Stuff

I am a big fan of Tom Scott, Matt Parker and Mathologer. Here are some favourites:

  • This Video Has n Views: “The title of this video should change with the times. But nothing lasts forever: here’s the story of how I made it work, why it used to be easier to make that work, and how it all ties in to the White Cliffs of Dover and the end of the universe.”
  • The Link That Can Crash Chrome: http://a/%%30%30: “A link which, when moused over or clicked on, crashes Google Chrome. It’s a heck of a bug: but how does it work, and what does it have to do with “null-terminated strings”?”
  • Whatever Happened to Tom’s Hoodie?: a video about digital-ising a physical object that carries sentiment.
  • Complex Fibonacci Numbers?: a video that talks about existence of negative and “complex” fibonacci numbers and amazing properties that they show.
  • How to estimate a population using statisticians: a video that demonstrates how good of a result can statistics provide, by running an actual experiment.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the audacity to try to explain how cool Mathologer’s stuff is. This channel is one of the major reasons that arose my interest in mathematics, reason being the content of videos and the way it’s been delivered. If you are a math enthusiast (and even those who are not) and have not seen this channel yet, I stongly suggest you to explore it.

Being a music enthusiast, my youtube feed is full of stuff related to music. Since, everyone has a different taste for music that they like, so it’s highly plausible that stuff that I find cool is totally crap for someone else. But that will not stop me from posting them here (one of the reasons for making this page xD). Since the list is very big, it’s quite natural for me to forget some of the biggies out there (will post them someday, hopefully).