Yatharth Goswami

I am a junior undergraduate at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. Having always had a huge inclination towards numbers, it is no wonder that most of my current interests in Computer Science are topics that rely on some Mathematical foundation. Currently, my major interests are in Formal Verification, Algorithms, Machine Learning Optimization, Quantitative Finance and Computer Systems (Editor I use for most of my work being Vim :P). Also, I like to be Mentally Challenged (by a Problem, OfCourse!) and love to spend time thinking deeply about it.

Mentally Challenged

Besides these, I love to try my hand at some of the CTF Competitions out there and the specific domain that interests me the most is Reverse Engineering. I also occasionally try to participate in Competitive Programming Contests on sites like Codeforces, Codechef and AtCoder.


Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Bachelor of Technology with Honors
Computer Science and Engineering

GPA: 9.8/10.0

July 2019 - May 2023

Alpha Junior College of Science and Commerce

Senior Secondary Education
HSC Examination, Maharashtra Board

Percentage: 90.31

April 2017 - March 2019



Research Assistant, Exchange Semester@EPFL


Concurrency Verification: Worked on studying modern verification techniques for large and scalable concurrent programs. Studying the use of linear type systems in verification and experimented with a quite recent framework (Seagull) for verification of lock algorithms. Documentation of work done can be found here .

May 2021 - July 2021

Research Intern, Summer@EPFL


Privacy Preserving Heavy Hitters Identification: Worked on Securely tackling Heavy hitter problem for Origin-Destination flows using modern Crypto Primitives like Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Starting with bennchmarking the SOTA implementations for performing comparison operations using Fully Homomorphic Enryption and MPC schemes, we developed a novel approach to finding the heavy hitter flows in this application and implemented an initial prototype of solution using the BFV scheme.

May 2021 - July 2021

Undergraduate Systems Researcher

CDOS lab, IIT Kanpur

Container Based Solutions for virtualising android devices: Working on the problem of analysing and trying to reduce the memory consumption overheads of container based sandboxes for android devices.

Jan 2021 - April 2021

Security Researcher

C3i Center, IIT Kanpur

Malware analysis using NLP techniques: Used API fragments and NLP models for the task of classification of malicious and benign files. Built technique stable to measures like obfuscation and outperforms other works using similar approach. Here is the paper we submitted to the AISec'21 conference.

Jan 2021 - April 2021


Programming Club, IIT Kanpur

Helped in conduction of Deep Learning Hackathons on various domains and helping students by providing related materials.

Responsible for managing a Competitive Programming Contest for students of institute for a month.

May 2020 - April 2021


Leaving Academic Interests aside, I also consider myself a Musicophile and enjoy doing covers of some of my favorite songs in free-time. You can find those here and here. I would describe myself as an ardent fan of Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, AR Rahman and Imagine Dragons (I know that's quite a mix there! :P) and I also usually enjoy listening to some of the Old Classics and Jazz Music from bands like The Beatles and Pink Floyd. I vividly remember being a huge fan of the song "I want it that way" by Backstreet Boys and I still can't get it off my head, if I get to hear it somehow (Yes, it's playing in my mind while i am writing this! XD).

Talking about Movies, I am a huge fan of thrillers and romance and have watched a lot of these since I entered the college. I have watched exactly 27 movies (not 1 more, not 1 less - yes, there comes my statistics enthu! :P) since I have entered college. I find Christopher Nolan as one of my favorite and rarely miss out on any movies of his. I also enjoy watching historical drama/thrillers and some of my favorites include movies like The Pianist, The Imitation Game and A Beautiful Mind.

TV Series that I have watched: The Big Bang Theory, Sherlock, Rick and Morty, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, The Office, Two and a Half Men, Arrow.

Personal Blogsite

I have recently started writing blogs and tutorials. I have also made available the stuff done as a part of my coursework at IITK. All of these can be found here.

Contact Info


Room F-509, Hall-13, IIT Kanpur, Kalyanpur, Kanpur, 208016, Uttar Pradesh, India

Contact: +91-9982144450

