Yatharth Goswami


My Personal Blogsite

Hi there, you have reached my personal blogsite.

This is where I will be putting stuff related to acads, my projects, stuff that I find cool and finally a blog where I plan to write some tutorials as well as some personal experiences I would like to share.

The links for the same can be found below and as well as on nav-bar although the ones in nav-bar are a little bit more extensive and contain more content.

If you are looking for my academic homepage (which is more professional), you can find it here

If you have something to tell me and wish to do so anonymously, you may drop a message here.


This is a list of courses that I have taken and am doing.

This is a list of some stuff that I find really interesting.


Important Remark : Please do not ask me to update the site with course assignments and exams for every year. This website is in NO WAY, an attempt to create a big repository rather it’s just a means to house the coursework that I will be doing during my bachelor’s at IITK.


Head over to this link to see the posts.