Yatharth Goswami

CS 711

Resources related to CS 711 (Game Theory and Mechanism Design) can be found here

This is the webpage for the course CS711 that I did during Spring 2020. The course was taught by Prof. Swaprava Nath.

I took this course in my Third Semester out of interest and it turned out to be one of the most interesting ones that I have done till now. Course was structured quite well, considering the fact that it was done in an online mode. Evaluation was done on the basis of two small Quizzes, Midsem and a Course Project in the end. The coursework was to be done in groups of five students and I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of the course.

I will be posting the solutions to the Midsem Exam below and work done as a part of the course project. Unfortunately, I can’t provide the solutions to the Quizzes as they were objective and therefore I don’t have any formal solutions for those (made by me) at my disposal at this point. Although these can be found on the homepage of Prof. Swaprava Nath which contains the official solution to every component of the course.

Luckily, Me and My Group Members have already gone through the task of documenting the course project. So, it certainly saves the effort for me putting it up here.

Mid Term Solutions

Mid Sem was composed of two parts. One was a Theoretical Exam and other was a Programming Exam. The solutions to the Programming Exam are well documented and can be found here.

Mid Sem - Theoretical Exam | Mid Sem - Solutions

Course Project

The course project done by our group can be found here. The documentation is complete and the simulations can be done by following the steps provided in the Readme of individual folders.

Remark : Please keep in mind that I am purely posting these solutions out of interest and do not take any responsibility of the correctness of the solutions posted. Please feel free to reach out to me through mail in case you find an error.